Having been an independent fundamental Baptist preacher for nearly 40 years, I am convinced that Bigism and Big-Manism is a major disease. (Attendance peaked in the early 1990s, when more than 20,000 people came to services each Sunday, making First Baptist the largest church in the nation.) But, of course, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.If you and your client really want to do the right thing, you'll face the fact that First Baptist Church has had a cancer growing in it for nearly 50 years. In June 1991, a Sunday school teacher accused A. V. Ballenger, a 57-year-old deacon who had spent two decades in the church, of fondling a seven-year-old girl. (I had also been instructed to carry a Biblethe King James Versionbut I couldnt find my mothers and so arrived empty-handed.). But thats what it is. "For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. He claimed that he had long heard reports that Nischik was immoral, but the following important observation must be taken into consideration in this matter:Throughout all of this, Hyles being privy to most if not all of it by his own testimony, Vic remained a member in good standing of the First Baptist Church, song leader in Dr. Hyles own adult Sunday School class, choir member, a key worker in the bus ministry (where the pickings would be delightful among love-starved, fatherless, teenage girls), a trustee of Hyles-Anderson College, a financial adviser and assistant who helped him obtain a $1,500,000 loan for the purchase of the Hyles-Anderson campus, as well as a respected deacon in the First Baptist Church! In this, his views were severe unto merciless. If we have our eyes on Christ and our own personal responsibilities before Him, we will not stumble when men fail us. Subscribe for free today! He told people to shun me., Leaving First Baptist was in Busbys opinion like leaving a cult. Linda Murphrey is one of the daughters of the late Jack Hyles. We were taught to not question and to take the man of Gods [Schaaps] word over everything, says Julie Silvestrone Busby, a former First Baptist member who now hosts a Christian radio show in Iowa. The earliest memory of my mother's affair with Jack Hyles that I can remember dates back to the 1960's. Within a couple of years, his flock had swelled to 4,000, earning Hyles a far-reaching reputation. They are so influenced by him that I think if he told them that he was a black man they would believe him. He pastored a church in Texas and was found to be having affairs with 14 different women. Its not even a valid comparison.. As MinistryWatch reported in December, Jack Hyles' son, David Hyles, allegedly followed in his father's footsteps, and is now facing charges from women who claim he repeatedly raped them. My understanding is that with all the stuff going on theyve done something with it. I met him fresh out of high school. And they still perpetuate his legacy: the strict rules, the undying loyalty, and they still try to keep all the secrets (Linda Murphreys testimony at the TEDxOjaiChange event in Ojai, California, April 5, 2012).POLICY: Way of Lifes content falls into two categories: sharable and non-sharable. He moved the bottom of the stick near his groin and angled it away from himself. In the early 1980s, David Hyles, then in his 20s, was the youth pastor at First Baptist. Theyre being shamed about how horrible they are. But I wondered: If my dad had been taken off his self-constructed throne long ago and people had known the full truth about who he was, perhaps Jack Schaap would never have been given the liberties, the complete lack of accountability, and the power that eventually led to his own demise. There are some very good people still there whom I love dearly and who truly have hearts for the Lord but were deceived, Busby says. Personally, my worthless opinion is that Linda did not like her home life. So [authorities] have asked us to come in and conduct a thorough investigation. Female students at Hyles-Anderson, Busby recalls, underwent sporadic pajama inspections. If the tops and bottoms didnt match, says Busby, dorm supervisors would sometimes make us strip right there and put on an approved set., The pajama-clad young women would gather in the chapel to wait for Hyles. This is a truly sad case. Brother Evans daughter was one of the ones that David had an affair with. Rev. The year was 1985. He moved him to another church where he was found to have had 17 affairs with different women, and he just recreated what he had seen my dad live. He got up in front of a staff meetingin front of the whole staffand shared all kinds of confidential stuff that never should have been shared. There was no question who would succeed him: Hyles had been grooming his son-in-law Jack Schaap ever since his own sons prospects had plummeted. All we ask is that you give proper credit. Craig Sisson, 52 Treated her terribly. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open. Of course at the time, I thought this was the devil trying to trip me up. Treated her terribly. One of the girls told me and Daves sister that she was sleeping with him, and we told his dad. The wickedness, the heartbreak, the ruining of lives. Examples from First Baptist take in everything: pedophilia, violence, defamation of the innocent to protect the guilty, heresies against Christian doctrine, defiance against lawful authority. I mean when I was dating David, the books that Hyles has written on teenagers and dating, we never did one thing that he taught. These are not sharable. THE TESTIMONY OF JACK HYLES OWN DAUGHTER. If the members of the congregation were heartbroken about what was happening to their church, they didnt show it on this night. I about laughed in his face. And the night we got married, he told everybody it was our first kiss! These were passionate love notes from Jack Hyles to Jennie, all signed Your aching guy, Jack! They expressed undying love, telling Jennie that she was the only woman he loved. These items have taken years to produce at enormous expense in time and money, and we need the income from the sale of these to help fund the ministry. His dads philosophy is if I didnt see it I dont believe it. He divorced his wife and married one of the 14. Linda Murphrey is a popular inspirational speaker and expert in human behavior as a Certified Personal and Professional Development Coach, a Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and. I wish God would . Established in 1974, Way of Life Literature is a fundamental Baptist preaching and publishing ministry based in Bethel Baptist Church, London, Ontario, of which Wilbert Unger is the founding Pastor. We dont love anyone as much as you! Then he would call us Poopsy-Woopsy and give us pizza and money., To go off campus to buy pantyhoserequired wear for womenwe needed a special pass, Busby says, and had to have three chaperones. If you dont see it, dont believe it. He built her family a beautiful home right around the corner from our house. Third, men naturally tend to have their eyes on big men rather than on the Lord. These are sharable. At this point, the sermons climax, Schaap would heave up a high-powered crossbow and fire an arrow into a red X painted on a fake rock a few feet from his pulpit. [This was before Jack Schaap got caught in adultery with a teenager.] I met him fresh out of high school. Among his moves: announcing in October that fully a quarter of the churchs staff had been laid off. That decision and my close friendship with your ex-daughter-in-law (you remember her, don't you?) Since Schaaps arrest, a Facebook page dedicated to supporting victims has popped up. absolute authoritarian leader who defines the group; a thought program that includes control of the environment, control of information, and people subordinating themselves and their feelings to the demands of the leader; and a lack of accountability for the head of the group. There is a gross lack of spiritual discernment at play here. As to getting to the truth of the issue of Jack Hyles, lets not listen to his deacons, of whom he bragged publicly that they would have jumped off a bridge if he told them to do so. . I am reminded of the lessons of Proverbs 29:24-27 --, Whoso is partner with a thief hateth his own soul: he heareth cursing, and bewrayeth it not. Log in to Reply. If you dont see it, dont believe it. She talks about growing up and finally leaving the cult at age 28. Dr. Linda Lowes, a physical therapist and researcher specializing in the assessment of neuromuscular dystrophies, is a principal investigator in the Center for Gene Therapy and a research associate professor of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University. He built her family a beautiful home right around the corner from our house. On the basis of Dr. Hyles own admissions, I rest my case about the massive cover-up of sin under his leadership. And they prayed. As a seven-year-old, she used to count the lashes as a way to cope through the searing pain. McGuires younger sister, Sherri Munger, told me she once received more than 300 lashes from a thick leather belt. However, the same deacons who investigated and fired Jack Schapp also investigated the charges of adultery against Jack Hyles and exonerated him.. Linda Hyles Murphrey - The Jim Baumer Experience. Linda Hyles Murphrey, a motivational speaker, presented her story titled "From Cult to Courage" at a TEDx event, discussing her hardships as a child of Jack Hyles. A seemingly endless list of rulesboth written and unwrittengrew and multiplied. Thats why people just fell all over each other to exalt [Hyles]., The level of devotionand controlsometimes strayed into the absurd. I felt like I had one main responsibility as a child. About. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. burn your building, penned another, Kristen Conner. This is what happens,when people worship a man,instead of God.We are all human and all capable of commiting horrendous sinwhich is why we must always keep our eyes turned upon Jesus. Incidentally, Paula and I have volumes of stories to swap, and it is interesting to see just how similar they are. He never had restrictions on his life. - Receive these reports by email Trisha LaCroix, who attended Hyles-Anderson College, says that she was disowned by her parentsFirst Baptist members bothin part for daring to wear pants. And now that Ive had a chance to step back and take a look at it from a distance, to think that I was sucked up in that really scares me. The flock grew to include prominent business leaders such as Austin Jack DeCoster, the former egg mogul who by some estimates has given tens of millions to First Baptist and has two church buildings named for him. At the end, as usual, young men streamed up to the stage. The 1990 book details the affair and many other misdeeds, including a Watergate-like coverup of affairs and sexual abuse at First Baptist. Questions? Terry was a deacon in the late 1980's when the deacon board rejected my family's appeal to them to -- finally -- deal with Jack Hyles and his decades-long affair with my mother. It is also an outrage that both Hyles and Schaap were allowed by the church leadership to have such power over a local church. He had affairs. (The bus ministry still operates today.). What was it that you used to say, 'Little leopards have spots because big leopards have spots'? That decision and my close friendship with your ex-daughter-in-law (you remember her, don't you?) Linda Hyles-Murphrey Biography It looks like we don't have any Biography for Linda Hyles-Murphrey yet. They didnt go on a vacation without asking my dads permission, and if he had said to drink the Kool-aid, Im not kidding, they would have. Sermons on the scandal rang out from pulpits across the country. Clayton Busby had pastored a small church in Maine, but felt called to Hyles-Anderson. When all of this happened with our church in Garland, his dad didnt want to hear it. William A. The ushers, standing in back throughout the 90-minute service, occasionally whooped, like cowboys at a rodeo, at something they found particularly inspiring. Though the sermons werent nearly as sexual in the beginning, says Schaaps former editor, he was seductive. With your own insecurities and personal failures as your driving force, you have quite simply played havoc with an entire church, some of my dearest friends and worst of all, my family. Ohh! Another occasion was the girl who was working at the cemetery. She claims that Dr. Hyles died after having amassed $80 million dollars worth of real-estate buildings at the church. He will abhor that which is evil (Rom. Dr. Hyles lying was blatant just like Davids. Linda Hyles Murphrey's testimony is a clear indication of just how wounded those closest to Jack Hyles can be. The culmination of many events in our lives brought us to the decision that we have made to move. Older Comments. She was never charged with a crime, nor was Hyles. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, ack Hyles is dead, but his life and testimony matters. Other items we sell to help fund our very expensive literature, video, and foreign church planting ministry. And even to our adult years, he owned us. What makes a church a cult? Evidence was provided by Vic Nischik, a long-time deacon at First Baptist, proving that Jack Hyles stole the affection of his wife (Hyles secretary), even if he didnt actually commit physical adultery with her. There was a door knob there, but it looked like part of the paneling, and there was a picture hanging there, so you really had to be studying to notice that there was a door there from his office. Ohhhh! Linda Murphrey, one of his daughters, recently told the Post-Tribune that she was 2 years old when her family moved from Texas to Indiana. In a scene right out of some cheap romance novel, Hyles arranged for Vic Nischik to sleep in the basement of his own house and to pay rent to Jennie. Women were to wear skirts that covered the knee. Early in my life I learned that there was one thing that could kill a festive mood at a dinner party. My older brother became another version of my father. He was so interested in mine and Davids personal relationship. Lawyers are trained in using minor mistakes to draw attention away from major facts. TEDx speaker Linda Hyles Murphrey for the first time publicly reveals the secret life she was forced to live as the daughter of the former leader of an Indiana mega-church turned cult. What was it that you used to say, 'Little leopards have spots because big leopards have spots'? [Hyles] took your voice, he took your beliefs, he took your likes and dislikes and opinions, and he gave you his own. After the divorce, Jennie moved into a brand new $150,000 condominium at Hyles generous behest. Maybe you could start your investigation there.Both Terry Duff and Eddie Lapina can help you fill in the details. support@wayoflife.org. The major points that these women who knew Jack Hyles agree on are these: that Hyles had a morally inappropriate relationship with a woman who was not his wife, that he lived a double life by deception, and that he was a cult leader who controlled his people as a lord and not as a godly shepherd. Summary: Articles about Linda Hyles Murphrey - The Jim Baumer Experience Walking away from fundamentalist Christianity was a pivotal event in my life. It probably is one the most . And Brennan says they have a point. The wrath of Hyles and his supporters again rained down. By sifilings. David was a blatant liar. He is the one hiding all under the rug. We can see men, but we cant see the Lord except through faith, and the preacher who is not walking by faith in Gods Word will be a man pleaser. 26 Many seek the ruler's favour; but every man's judgment cometh from the Lord. , because his influence is so pervasive even to this day. He left nothing to his children. My dad pastored a church that evolved into a 50,000-member cult. Victoria In 2000, Joseph was sentenced to 114 years in prison; Evangeline got 65. Menu. Schaap did not respond to an interview request made through Porter County Jail. You could see their family from our back door. COLUMBUS (WCMH) The Gahanna Division of Police says a woman found dead in her residence on Brookhill Drive was most likely the victim of a murder-suicide. I would just sit there, and he would say, My son David and Paula never single dated, and I would look at David and start laughing and think, This is hilarious; I cant believe that he gets up and says this. His dad gave me six months of sex counseling before David and I got married, and I could nail him just with that and what he said to me. Linda Hyles-Murphrey photos, including production stills, premiere photos and other event photos, publicity photos, behind-the-scenes, and more. And his supporters again rained down years, his flock linda hyles murphrey swelled to 4,000, earning Hyles a far-reaching.... Dad pastored a small church in Maine, but felt called to Hyles-Anderson every man judgment... The girl who was working at the time, I am convinced that Bigism and Big-Manism is clear. Want to hear it Hyles-Murphrey yet other event photos, behind-the-scenes, and is... 150,000 condominium at Hyles generous behest his linda hyles murphrey if you dont see it, dont believe it in... Bottom of the 14 the rug any Biography for linda Hyles-Murphrey photos, publicity photos, behind-the-scenes, more... Volumes of stories to swap, and we told his dad did like! 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