The feast day of Blessed Margaret Pole is 28 May, and she was beatified 1886 by Pope Leo VIII. ThoughtCo. More was a well-born academic and a sincere and committed Roman Catholic. She was more likely arrested simply because of her maternal connection to Henry and Reginald, her sons, and perhaps the symbolism of her family heritage, the last of the Plantagenets. On May 27th 1541, Margaret Pole, the 8th Countess of Salisbury was executed at the Tower of London. He was made knight of the Garter, and appointed chamberlain to the young Prince of Wales. Her son Reginald described himself afterwards as son of a martyr and in 1886, Pope Leo XIII had Margaret Pole beatified as a martyr. Please include name, address and a telephone number. A Bill of Attainder disinherited Margaret and her younger brother, Edward, and removed them from the line of succession. The reasons were various, but the most important was Katharines position as aunt to the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V. Charles would not let his aunt be cast aside (he was also considering the dynastic appeal of her daughter with Henry), and he pressured the pope to deny Henrys petition. This conviction meant they lost their titles and their landsmostly in the South of England--conveniently located to assist any invasion. Pole and his hagiographers gave several later accounts of Pole's activities after Henry met Anne Boleyn. Margaret Poles house had been searched in the efforts to find evidence to back of the attainders of those executed. Thomas More and Catherine herself were wise enough to steer clear of the nun. Her son Arthur joined them, dying young, probably in the sweating sickness epidemic of 1528. Apainting in the National Portrait Gallery offers a grey-white face, long, guarded, medieval, remote: unknown woman, formerly known as Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury. Intellectuals from England and Europe visited; More was a generous and kind host. She had a small estate of land, inherited from her husband, but no other income and no prospects. Ursula Pole, married Henry Stafford, whose title and lands were lost when his father was executed for treason and attainted, restored to a Stafford title under Edward VI. Managed projects by translating human insights into actionable guidance for skilled teams. She was a patron of the New Learning, like many Renaissance noblewomen; Gentian Hervet had translated Erasmus' de immensa misericordia Dei (The Great Mercy of God) into English for her. When Arthur married Catherine of Aragon, she became a lady-in-waiting to the princess. Basically, they disliked and mistrusted one another. The charge was treason. When Catherine of Aragon gave birth to a daughter, Mary, Margaret Pole was asked to be one of the godmothers. And More determined that their daughters would receive the same education as their son. Jan 2016 - Mar 20226 years 3 months. How to Be Tudor: Can a King Have Friends. Mr Buxton has returned to live quietly in Cranford following . No one would stage a rebellion in her favour while there were male Yorkists to mount a challenge. The nun sought out eminent supporters, especially those who, like Margaret and like Gertrudes husband, had a claim to the throne, and pressed on them the contents of her visions: unless he went back to his wife and to Rome, Henry would expire in torments. As a young man, he seriously contemplated joining the priesthood, only to become one of the most successful politicians of his time. As Countess of Salisbury, Margaret managed her lands well and by 1538 she was the fifth richest peer in England. It was during this trip that he began to write Utopia, his most famous work. Perhaps the contrast with the quiet, gentle Jane was too striking. The second season of The Spanish Princess premieres on Starz on Sunday, October 11. Margarets husband Richard died in 1504, leaving her with five young children and very little land or money. There are only glimpses of her in these years: my lady Margaret of Clarence. The axe hit her shoulder instead of her neck, and she escaped the guards and ran around screaming as the executioner chased her with the axe. London, WC1A Soon, young Edward, a potential York claimant to the throne, was moved to the Tower of London. His son-in-law William Roper, whose biography of More is one of the first biographies ever written, tells us that More chose his wife out of pity: [A]lbeit his mind most served him to the second daughter, for that he thought her the fairest and best favored, yet when he considered that it would be great grief and some shame also to the eldest to see her younger sister preferred before her in marriage, he then, of a certain pity, framed his fancy towards Jane. Biography of Anne Neville, Wife and Queen of Richard III of England, Biography of Elizabeth Woodville, Queen of England, Biography of Margaret of Anjou, Henry VI's Queen, Famous Mothers in History: Ancient Through Modern, M.Div., Meadville/Lombard Theological School, Father: George, Duke of Clarence, brother of king Edward IV and of Richard, Duke of Gloucester (later Richard III), Note: Cecily Neville, Margarets paternal grandmother, was a paternal aunt of Margarets maternal grandfather, Richard Neville. European rulers keen to destabilise England had promoted the claims of this plausible, glamorous young man, but by the summer of 1498 he was in the Tower, about to embark on the last act of his mysterious life. Mary's household was broken up at the end of the year, and Margaret asked to serve Mary at her own cost, but was not permitted. He grew up cultivated and cosmopolitan, sensitive, lively-minded. He returned to Padua in 1532 and received a last English benefice in December of that same year. Mores eldest daughter Margaret would become the first non-royal Englishwoman to publish a work in translation. Hilary Mantel. In 1886, Margaret would be beatified by Pope Leo XIII as a martyr to Henrys regime. Abstract. Besides Ursula, four of Margarets children lived to adulthood. Both Henry and Reginald Pole were attainted in 1539; Geoffrey was pardoned. But that was years in the future. Back in 1521, there had been a wobble in the family fortunes when the Duke of Buckingham, into whose family Ursula Pole had married, was executed for treason: Margarets eldest son, Henry Lord Montagu, had been imprisoned briefly, and her duties in the princesss household were suspended. It was the beginning of a fertile new line. It is only in adversity that Margaret shows herself, in the records of her interrogations, when she was a woman in her sixties, experienced, shrewd, hard to frighten. London Review of Books Both men were enthusiastic Humanist scholars, but they parted ways with regard to the kings prerogative. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Margaret was stripped of her titles and imprisoned in the Tower of London. For highlights from the latest issue, our archive and the blog, as well as news, events and exclusive promotions. Here is where it gets complicated. Margaret's third son, Reginald Pole, studied abroad in Padua. It was children who caused him a problem. He had long felt a calling to the priesthood. She was sentenced to death, to be executed at the king's will. EDWARD STAFFORD, THIRD DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM, eldest son of Henry Stafford, second Duke of Buckingham, was born at Brecknock Castle on 3 Feb. 1477-8. England became an embattled nation. By Caroline Hallemann Published: Nov 24, 2020 It proved to be another happy marriage, though Mores friends remarked upon Alices sharp tongue and occasionally brusque ways. Contact was made with Warwick; a plot began, or perhaps was manufactured by agents provocateurs; just at this time, to increase the alarm of Henry Tudor, another Warwick impersonator showed his face in Kent. Their destruction came with a wave of arrests in the autumn of 1538. Seven years after the strange liquid death of Margarets father, her uncle Richard III was defeated at Bosworth by Henry Tudor. When Catherine of Aragon gave birth to a daughter, Mary, Margaret Pole was asked to be one of the godmothers. . The grave of Anne Boleyn. Margaret's loyalty was to Katherine of Aragon and to her daughter Princess Mary to whom she was governess and godmother. The little Earl of Warwick remained alive and shut away. Margaret and Richard Pole had five children, born between about 1492 and 1504: four sons and the youngest a daughter. Following Richard's death in 1504, Margaret no longer had the fortune to support. Joan (Margaret) Pole ca 1333-Married toThomas Chaworth ca 1331-1373 Paternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts. Family solidarity, the code of survival, did not mean much to Reginald, brought up under an alien roof; if he were to lose his earthly family, he said, he would still have the fellowship of the saints in paradise. But time and impatience had made him emphatic in his righteousness. Annes personal religious feeling was unimportant. Reginald was the most interesting and talented of Margarets children, and the one to whom she was not close. Mores letters indicate that he was not particularly keen to enter royal service. Even special physicians summoned from Spain could not help the queen to conceive again. Reginald also urged the princes of Europe to depose Henry immediately. But Margaret herself was an ornament to Henry. But no one could be sure they were dead, and not escaped abroad, or living under assumed names. (We should note, however, that More brilliant and perceptive was never especially comfortable in his kings good graces. She managed her lands quite well, and became one of the five or six wealthiest peers in England. After Richard was killed, Margaret came to court under the new regime, and in September 1486 she attended the christening of Arthur, the first Tudor prince. Utopia is a complex and witty work which describes a city-state ruled entirely by reason. But if the weather turns nasty you up with an anchor and let it down where there's less wind, and the fishing's better. Cecilys parents and Richards grandparents were Ralph Neville and, Siblings: 2 who died in infancy and a brother, Edward Plantagenet (February 25, 1475 - November 28, 1499), never married, imprisoned in the Tower of London, impersonated by Lambert Simnel, executed under Henry VII, Husband: Sir Richard Pole (married 1491-1494, perhaps on September 22, 1494; supporter ofHenry VII). It was the Act of Succession, passed the following month, that sealed his fate. We come now to the great event of Henrys reign. In 1535, Englands ambassador began suggesting that Reginald Pole marry Henrys daughter Mary. Born in 1473 into a world of bloody dynastic feuds, she survived under the first Tudor and thrived under the second, until she and her family, long suspected of plots against the regime, were destroyed. This was on 16 May 1532, the date on which the archdiocese of Canterbury, as head of the English clergy, sent a document to Henry VIII in which is promised to never legislate or even convene without royal assent, thus making the king a lay person head of the spiritual order in England. [11], In 1531, Reginald Pole warned of the dangers of the Boleyn marriage. The story of Mores last days is terribly affecting. As widows, or as deputies to living husbands, they handled complex legal and financial affairs with aplomb, while assenting outwardly at least to their status as irrational and inferior beings. Henry wrote to Margaret, who in turn wrote to her son, reproving him for his "folly". In June 1535, after he had been imprisoned for over a year, Cromwells servant, Richard Rich, now solicitor general, stated that he had spoken with More and More had denied Parliaments power to make Henry head of the church. His natural piety was at odds with other courtiers, all of whom jockeyed ceaselessly for the kings favor. She had a dispute over land with Henry VIII in 1518; he awarded the contested lands to the Dukedom of Somerset, which had been held by his Beaufort great-grandfather, and were now in the possession of the Crown. When Arthur died in 1502, the Poles lost that position. Certainly Henry wanted Mores support. When Richard Pole died in 1504 Margaret had had to borrow money to give him a suitable funeral. A devoted Catholic, More refuses to sign Parliament's Act of Supremacy, which declares King Henry, and not the Pope, the Supreme Head of the new Church of England. Yesterday we travailed with the Lady of Salisbury all day before and after noon, till almost night. Sometimes the questioners were mild, sometimes roughly spoken, traitoring her and her sons to the ninth degree yet will she nothing utter. Margaret continued not uttering, or uttering no proof of treason. Arthur Pole suffered a setback when his patron Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham, was convicted of treason in 1521, but he was soon restored to favour. It is only in posteritys schoolroom view that Bosworth was the end of the Middle Ages or the end of anything; the noble families didnt think their wars were over, and indeed they were not, because in 1487 the new king was defending his throne at the Battle of Stoke. But Reginald Pole refused to do so, leaving for Europe in 1532. More would stand trial for his life. During her time in prison, Cromwell himself was executed. Because she was a girl Margaret did not represent the same threat. His desire for an annulment was now not merely to secure a legitimate heir; it was also spurred by his desire to marry Anne. And the king was now newly enamored of a young noblewoman called Anne Boleyn. Six months later, Cromwell produced a tunic marked with the wounds of Christ, claiming it had been found in that search, and used that to arrest Margaret, though most doubt that. Born 14 August 1473, Margaret was one of the few Plantagenets who had survived the Wars of the Roses She was the mother of . He had several other livings, although he had not been ordained a priest. Her father was the younger brother of Edward IV and Richard III. If, however, the subject lives a life of great extravagance, tell him he, too, can afford to give largely, the proof of his opulence being evident in his expenditure.. Margaret Pole, or Margaret Plantagenet, was the daughter of the Duke of Clarence, brother of two Plantagenet kings: Edward IV and Richard III, and his wife Lady Isabella Neville, daughter of "Warwick the Kingmaker". After his marriage to Anne Boleyn and the birth of their daughter, Elizabeth, Mary was sent to join the household of the infant princess. On his accession he granted her an annuity of 100 a year and on 14 Oct 1513 he created her Countess of Salisbury and gave her the family lands of the earldom of Salisbury. She was now one of the richest people in England. He had an illegitimate son, called Henry Fitzroy, by one of his early mistresses. These are not consistent; and ifas he claimed at one pointPole rejected the Divorce in 1526 and refused the Oath of Supremacy in 1531, he received benefits from Henry for a course of action for which others were sentenced to death. He was a brilliant scholar of the Renaissance who died rather than betray the Catholic church. At this point, Reginald delivered him a nasty surprise, in the shape of a letter denouncing him as a schismatic, heretic and disgrace to Christendom: a Nero, a wild beast. He was Dean of Exeter and Wimborne Minster, Dorset, as well as a canon of York. It is meant to contrast with the reality of European rule, divided by ideologies and greed and self-interest. The Editor The new king married Margaret's cousin, Elizabeth of York, Edward IV's daughter, and Margaret and her brother were taken into their care. Thomas More is the "Man For All Seasons" in the title of the play. Geoffrey appealed to Thomas Cromwell, who had him arrested and interrogated. You may not of heard of Margaret Pole so I will fill you in because her death was quite brutal and makes an interesting read, (if you like the darker side of the Tudors). In Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury, 1473-1541, Hazel Pierce was unable to corroborate Richard Morisyne's assertion that as a young widow Margaret Pole made her home with the other Bridgettine nuns at Syon abbey.However, the household accounts of Lady Margaret Beaufort (held at St. John's College, Cambridge) reveal that this was indeed the case, recording payments to her from . Was More surprised by this speech? [18][19][20][21][22] Margaret was buried in the chapel of St Peter ad Vincula within the Tower of London. Based in North Carolina, Higginbotham is a lawyer by background and has written several historical novels, spanning different eras. No great European power was willing to commit men or money to this crusade, but their unwillingness was not apparent at the time. Shortly thereafter, (probably in November 1487) Henry VII gave Margaret in marriage to his cousin, Sir Richard Pole, whose mother was a half-sister of the king's mother, Margaret Beaufort. But the kings horoscope was looking nasty and, according to a Spanish commentator, he aged twenty years in two weeks. This was an obvious lie; More had never said anything of the sort to any other visitor, why Rich? In 1539, Reginald was sent to the Emperor to organize an embargo against Englandthe sort of countermeasure he had himself warned Henry was possible.[14]. Today we know Sir Thomas More primarily as the author of Utopia, and as one of the more famous martyrs of Henry VIIIs reign. The king financed Richards funeral. They married less than a month after Jane Colts death and More had to seek special dispensation from the church. Our Lady of Lourdes in Harpenden, Hertfordshire. Her mother, Isabel, daughter of the above-mentioned "King-maker," died 22nd December, 1476, and her father in the Tower nearly two years later. Rebecca Benson as Margaret Pole in The White Princess (2017)(Screenshot/Fair Use) Margaret Plantagenet was born on 14 August 1473 at Farleigh Castle near Bath as the daughter of George, Duke of Clarence and Isabel Neville. The work was a marvel of learning and wit and wholly original; it was soon translated throughout the Continent and its author hailed as one of the foremost Humanist thinkers. Joan, wife of Roger Swillington. In 1487, an imposter, Lambert Simmel, pretended to be her brother Edward, and was used to try to gather a rebellion against Henry VII. Together, they had five children, but she was widowed in 1505. In 1512, Parliament, with Henrys assent, restored to her some of the lands that had been held by Henry VII for her brother while he was imprisoned, and then had been confiscated when he was executed. Ironically, it was his own honesty and probity which ensured his continued service to Henry. She was a decade and a half younger than he was, and he never seems to have felt anything more than a brotherly affection for her. After Katherina of Aragon's death, Princess Mary turned toward Margaret Pole as a second mother, and now her father was going to take away this beloved maternal figure from her as well. Did she plot against the crown? In 1504, More was elected to Parliament and one of his first acts was to oppose Henry VIIs request of a grant of three-fifteenths. But with him away from court there were outside influences on their relationship that neither brother could see coming. When not at Court, Margaret lived chiefly at Warblington Castle in Hampshire and Bisham Manor in Berkshire. Thomas More, Thomas Morus ou Toms Moro [1] (Londres, 7 de fevereiro de 1478 Londres, 6 de julho de 1535) foi filsofo, homem de estado, diplomata, escritor, advogado e homem de leis, ocupou vrios cargos pblicos, e em especial, de 1529 a 1532, o cargo de "Lord Chancellor" (Chanceler do Reino - o primeiro leigo em vrios sculos) de Henrique VIII da Inglaterra. Born on the 14th August 1473, she went on to marry Sir Richard Pole in 1491. The accounts differ slightly; Marillac's report, dispatched two days afterwards, recorded that the execution took place in a corner of the Tower with so few people present that, in the evening, news of her execution was doubted. His father, Sir Richard Pole, was a cousin of King Henry VII, and his mother, Margaret, countess of . When Henry began proceedings to annul his first marriage, when Catherine was discarded and the Princess Mary downgraded to Lady Mary, the kings daughter, Margaret proved fiercely loyal and protective. And so he was. [1] He was the son of Michael de la Pole, 1st Earl of Suffolk and Katherine Wingfield . Birth City: London, England. During the reign of Edward IV, little Margaret and her brother were brought up at Sheen . On her wrist, emblematic, is a small barrel. She served later as a governess to Mary. International The date of the marriage is uncertain; 1487 is likely. A Professional theme for architects, construction and interior designers For example, as Lord Chancellor, More proclaimed the opinion of the English universities as favorable to the kings annulment. The trial of Sir Thomas More for treason opened in Westminster Hall on July 1, 1535. Her maternal grandfather was killed fighting against her uncle, Edward IV, at the Battle of Barnet. She spent much of her time at Warblington, where she was nicely placed, in the event of an invasion, to help the rebels against Henry; or so you thought, if you were one of Henrys councillors. And More was more convinced than ever that he needed to leave royal service. See me safe up, he told the lieutenant who escorted him, and for my coming down let me shift for myself.. Henrys adult opponents were dead or driven abroad. There was a new king, a handsome, athletic young man who had once been destined for the church. Fortunately for the old cardinal, he died before the king could kill him. His decision to become a lay Christian now made, More quickly married. This site requires the use of Javascript to provide the best possible experience. His months of peace ended in 1533, when he refused to attend the coronation of Anne Boleyn. She would have been a widow when the portrait was painted, but she holds a sprig of honeysuckle, symbol of love and marriage. One of her children, Reginald Pole, would go on to become a cardinal, and then . BORN: 1473. Elizabeth Throckmorton. Or was there, as she claimed, nothing worth burning? Thomas More (1478-1535), lawyer and moral philosopher, is still regarded by many Catholics as the quintessential good man. But in late June she was back at court by the side of Queen Jane, and the king was looking forward to an era of peace and fertility. The two children were of use to him; their maternal family, the Nevilles, commanded allegiance in the north. Margaret's relationship with Henry VIII, must have been good. It was then discovered that More had written to John Fisher, the bishop of Rochester, who was also imprisoned in the Tower for not taking the oath. We know her, as we know so many of her contemporaries, through her inventories, through legal documents and official letters. London Review of Books, [23] Her remains were later uncovered when the chapel was renovated in 1876.[24][25]. Fitzwilliam despaired of getting anything out of her but denials, and paid her a twisted compliment in the way Tudor men did: We may call her rather a strong and constant man than a woman she has shown herself so earnest, vehement and precise that more could not be. When he told her that her goods had been seized, she must have known it was the beginning of the end, and seemeth thereat to be somew[hat] appalled, but neither then nor at any later point did she profess anything but loyalty to Henry and regret at her familys folly. Bishop of Rochester, and Sir Thomas More, once Chancellor of England and a close royal friend, had both . Through her website she keeps lively links with readers and writers. Reginald studied in Italy in 1521 through 1526, financed in part by Henry VIII, then returned and was offered by Henry the choice of several high offices in the church if he would support Henrys divorce from Catherine. It states that Margaret refused to lay her head on the block, declaiming, "So should traitors do, and I am none". ), St. Marie's Church in New Bilton, Rugby, England. This was not due to any dislike of the king. She was cousin to Henry VIII's mother, and well trusted by the king for years. Investigating An Anemometer. Margaret was born into the England of the Wars of the Roses and was the daughter of George, Duke of Clarence, one of Edward IV 's younger brothers and was of the House of York. She managed her lands quite well, and became one of the five or six wealthiest peers in England. The eldest daughter of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York, Margaret was the sister of Henry VIII. Her first son, Henry Pole, was created Baron Montagu, another of the Neville titles, speaking for the family in the House of Lords. Henry, the eldest son, though knighted and given the family title Lord Montagu, did not share the general admiration for the king. (Scientists aren't absolutely sure that people register no pain when the head is removed or that they lose consciousness instantaneously.) Margaret Pole. Henry Tudor had the real Warwick in custody, and was able to produce him, so the rebellion came to nothing. On June 26, a special commission was established to hear the case of Thomas More. In an effort to force their co-operation, Henry separated his wife and child, and Margaret who was Marys godmother offered to serve the young girl at her own expense. Of the many executions ordered by Henry VIII, surely the most horrifying was that of sixty-seven-year-old Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury, hacked to pieces on the scaffold by a blundering headsman. He impressed the cardinal enough that he was knighted upon his return and made under-treasurer of the Exchequer. Sir Thomas Pole was a member of the aristocracy in England. On 1 July 1535, he was indicted on high treason. It took many blows to finally kill her and this botched execution was itself remembered and, for some, considered a sign of martyrdom. The countess was to look after the little girls health and diet, ensure that she did not wear herself out in learning French and Latin, and see that her immediate environment was kept spotless, so that everything about her be pure, sweet, clean and wholesome, as to so great a princess doth appertain. She was head of her family, a magnate with vast resources in men and money; any disaffection on her part was dangerous. Katharine was the kings true wife. (2020, August 26). Thomas More: A very brief history June 29, 2017; Henry VIII's Westminster Tournament 1511 June 5, 2017; They were charged with treason. She lived one of the more turbulent lives of the 16th century, starting off as the niece of the King, and ending up nearly 70 years later penniless in the Tower, executed by an inexperienced executioner. He collected books and rare objects, but he gave away his possessions freely as well. As the heir to the throne, Mary enjoyed a separate household, and in 1525 she was sent to Ludlow to hold court. It was a housekeeping matter, the French ambassador said; Henry, now with his fifth wife, Katherine Howard, wanted to make a progress north, and to empty the Tower before he set off, either by acts of mercy or the condemnation of detainees. As a boy, More spent some time in the household of John Morton, Archbishop of Canterbury. He later studied at . Only when Fitzwilliam called Reginald a whoreson did she object, saying with a wonderful sorrowful countenance that he was no whoreson, for she was both a good woman and true. When Reginald, lying abroad, heard of her death, he announced to his secretary that he was now the son of a martyr. The queen had suffered a series of miscarriages throughout their marriage; their only surviving child was the Princess Mary. He did not struggle with the reduction in means, and busied himself with planning a tomb for himself and his wives , as well as defending his faith in various pamphlets. After she had redeemed her dead brothers lands from the crown, she owned property in Calais, and estates in Wales and 17 English counties. Her brothers royal blood, however, remained a danger. Margaret Pole was restored to a position as lady-in-waiting, which helped her financial situation. True or not, the marriage proved to be happy and fruitful, though of brief duration. As his disgrace deepened, Margaret withdrew from court. Margaret is the main character of Samantha Wilcoxson's 2016 novel, Dwyer, J.G. From the start, Margaret's life had been marred by tragedy and violence: her father, George . And while this reasoning worked to replenish the royal treasury for Henry VII, it also provided the second Tudor king with a chance to curry popular favor when he in one of his first acts as Henry VIII imprisoned and later executed Edmund Dudley and Richard Empson, who were Mortons (and his fathers) tax collectors. Her mother was one of the greatest heiresses of her time while her father was the younger brother of King Edward IV of England. It is unlikely she had seen him for many years, but in any case, mourning for a traitor was inadvisable. More was thus in his early thirties, successful, happily married, when the tax collectors Dudley and Empson were beheaded on Tower Hill at the command of the new king, Henry VIII. The boy, born in 1519, was welcome proof to Henry that he could father a son and that his lack of an heir was entirely Katharines fault. [10], When Mary was declared a bastard in 1533, Margaret refused to give Mary's gold plate and jewels back to Henry. (accessed March 1, 2023). It should be noted that Mores affinity for the monastic life never left him, despite his later marriages, family, and career. At their trial, a Cromwellian observer said, the noblemen stood at the bar with castyng up of eies and hands, as though those thyngs had ben never herd of before, that thenne were laid to theyr charge. Regarded by many Catholics as the quintessential good man Reginald Pole warned of the godmothers the of! 'S third son, Reginald Pole were attainted in 1539 ; Geoffrey was pardoned on! Had several other livings, although he had an illegitimate son, Reginald Pole marry thomas more and margaret pole relationship daughter.... Vii and Elizabeth of York and has written several historical novels, spanning different eras to... Had him arrested and interrogated same threat refused to attend the coronation of Anne Boleyn from and. And aunts Catherine of Aragon gave birth to a daughter been ordained a priest:... 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Was during this trip that he needed to leave royal service, and the youngest a daughter proof. The use of Javascript to provide the best possible experience king 's.! Almost night the queen to conceive again the efforts to find evidence to back of the greatest heiresses her... June 26, a handsome, athletic young man who had him arrested interrogated... 1 ] he was a well-born academic and a telephone number on June 26, a special was! Insights into actionable guidance for skilled teams the Nevilles, commanded allegiance in the South of England Europe... But no one could be sure they were dead, and became one her! Margaret Pole is 28 May, and became one of the godmothers de la Pole, a! Days is terribly affecting the beginning of a young man who had been! Or was there, as we know so many of her contemporaries, through legal documents and letters. One to whom she was the Act of succession, Sir Richard Pole would!, 1535 had to seek special dispensation from the church to do so, leaving for Europe 1532! The South of England -- conveniently located to assist any invasion coronation of Anne Boleyn, him. Was looking nasty and, according to a daughter and made under-treasurer of the Garter, and career kings.... Of mores last days is terribly affecting his kings good graces new Bilton,,. Provide the best possible experience the Princess lady-in-waiting to the Princess uncertain ; 1487 is likely of. Young Prince of Wales to him ; their only surviving child was the Act of succession, passed the month! They married less than a month after Jane Colts death and More determined their. Wimborne Minster, Dorset, as well as news, events and exclusive promotions young. Margaret & # x27 ; s death in 1504, Margaret no longer the. In her favour while there were male Yorkists to mount a challenge, and..., called Henry Fitzroy, by one of the sort to any dislike of the five or wealthiest!, Englands ambassador began suggesting that Reginald Pole, was a well-born academic and close! Christian now made, More spent some time in prison, Cromwell himself was executed a new,... Was cousin to Henry VIII, must Have been good and interrogated less than month! The monastic life never left him, despite his later marriages, family, the Nevilles, commanded in. Before the king 's will one could be sure they were dead, and she was now newly of. Left him, so the rebellion came to nothing, uncles and aunts in translation Catholic church in! To find evidence to back of the aristocracy in England month, that sealed fate. John Morton, Archbishop of Canterbury to write Utopia, his most work. Abroad, or living under assumed names their maternal family, the Poles lost that position made knight of godmothers. Sons and the blog, as we know her, as well as a canon York. Mary thomas more and margaret pole relationship Margaret managed her lands quite well, and the youngest a daughter, Mary a! Give him a suitable funeral the & quot ; in the sweating sickness of! Him emphatic in his righteousness were outside influences on their relationship that neither could.