2006. New York City Planning Department. Defining land-use planning as the single most important aspect of sustainable hazard mitigation, this article describes steps to successful land-use planning. Mileti, Dennis S. 1999. Future Directions Encourage and consolidate knowledge networks Mobilise and train disaster volunteers for more effective preparedness, mitigation and response (NSS, NCC, Scouts and Guides, NYK, Civil Defence, Homeguards) Increased capacity building leads to faster vulnerability reduction. By whitelisting SlideShare on your ad-blocker, you are supporting our community of content creators. Sum total of all activities, programmes and measures which can be taken up before, during and after a disaster with the purpose to avoid a disaster, reduce its impact or recover from its losses is called Disaster Risk Management. "Building Local Capacity for Disaster Resilience." Zoning Practice. Hollywood Redevelopment Plan. Include exercises for different audiences. 2014. 2010. The Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast, Version 2 (UCERF 2). Through aggregate cost-benefit analysis, it has been proved that $1 spent on hazard mitigation is $4 saved in the event of a disaster. 2009. Topping, Kenneth C. 2011. Valsaraj, and L.J. The document was prepared by consulting agency C.S.A. Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade. "Pre-Earthquake Planning for Post-Earthquake Rebuilding (PEPPER)." Learn about Recovery Support Function Leadership Group (RSFLG) 's responsibilities, membership and priorities. : Disaster Research Center, University of Delaware, Preliminary Paper 230. For more than a decade, PAS Report No. "A Disaster in the Making: Addressing the Vulnerability of Low-Income Communities to Extreme Weather." National Renewable Energy Laboratory. "Enabling Participatory Planning After Disasters: A Case Study of the World Bank's Housing Reconstruction in Turkey." Length of forewarning can people be prepared? The impact of Hurricane Katrina on biological resources. March. New York: Oxford University Press. Create stunning presentation online in just 3 steps. "National Response Plan, Catastrophic Incident Annex."www.learningservices.us/pdf/emergency/nrf/nrp_catastrophicincidentannex.pdf. only 111 people lost their lives. poor or ignored zoning laws and policies lack of proper risk management (insurance). Baker, Earl J., Robert E. Deyle, Timothy S. Chapin, et al. FDOC 104-008-1. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 604 (1): 228255. It is now moving mainstream among disaster professionals (who were initially focused only on disaster preparedness and response, and who now seek such cross disciplinary linkages). We are sharing presentation files (PPTs) on Disaster management in this post. 20. Retrieved from www.tbrpc.org/tampabaydisaster/disaster_housing/documents The act governing how the United States declares and responds to disasters, including how the costs of the response are split between federal, state, and local governments. Ashley (Ed. 2008. The Bridge, National Academy of Engineering, 39(4), 36-41. A disaster can be defined as any occurrence that cause damage, ecological disruption, loss of human life, deterioration of health and health services on a scale, sufficient to warrant an extraordinary response from outside the affected community or area. Public participation in hazard mitigation is quite low. Retrieved from www.unescap.org/sites/default/files/AWP%20No.%20115.pdf. Association of State Floodplain Managers, Inc. 2012. We've encountered a problem, please try again. "Infrastructure resilience to disasters." 1993. The timeline provides an introduction to disasters and federal policies. The report includes brief narrative descriptions of the damaging effects of each earthquake. Disaster mitigation This involves lessening the likely effects of emergencies. Using case studies from California, Florida, Maryland, and Minnesota, the authors give their risk management framework as a toolkit for evaluating your own hazard mitigation plan. Chicago, IL 60601-5927, Phone: 312-431-9100 New York: Penguin Books. Retrieved from www.planning.org/policy/guides/pdf/hazardmitigation.pdf. She suggests that in times of disaster and recovery, hidden and inequitable policies are passed for leaders' own gain. Stover, Carl W., and Jerry L. Coffman. The book follows in the steps of geographer Gilbert F. White and sociologist J. Eugene Haas in using the social sciences to better understand the economic, social, and political ramifications of extreme natural events. Cedar River, Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Flood Risk Management Project: Feasibility Study Report with Integrated Environmental Assessment: Final. The report establishes the conception of planning for resiliency as a goal for recovering communities, issues associated with planning for post-disaster recovery, and lessons from prior research and policy recommendations. "Estimating the Social and Economic Consequences of Natural Hazards: Fiscal Impact Example." The author suggests that companies know their insurance policies, have alternative back-up locations for operations, and communicate openly with customers. "Environmental effects to residential New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina: Indoor sediment as well as vapor-phase and aerosolized contaminants." Post-disaster crisis management phase which includes . "Recovery and Reconstruction Calendar." The authors studied single-family housing recovery, housing sales, and property abandonment in south Miami-Dade County, Florida, after Hurricane Andrew. Journal of the American Planning Association 72(2): 147-153. Retrieved from www.waterburyvt.com/recovery/plan/. 2009. Designing for Flood Risk. The toolkit guides you through a three-step process of organizing, planning and managing recovery. Center for American Progress. Preparedness denotes the third phase of emergency management. risk. Chicago: American Planning Association. Vaccination Nutrition. 2005. The report considers the impact of the Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 and zoning restrictions on raising homes. "Supply Chain and Risk Management." 2001. particularly the "Big Three" related to climate chang, biodiversity and desertification, and their intrapolation to the local level. Get powerful tools for managing your contents. Retrieved from www.fema.gov/pdf/emergency/disasterhousing/NDHS-core.pdf. Welcome to our new post sharing the presentation on Disaster Management. Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado. Pardue, and J.W. American Red Cross (ARC) . The authors focus in particular on long-term recovery of local economies, housing, and residents. Disaster Time Line (1988-2008). The author looks at how poverty exacerbates the impact of extreme weather events. Progress in Planning 72: 195-250. Bringing together multiple authors (two main are noted) from different schools of planning, the chapters discuss disaster recovery and mitigation, climate change, and urbanization in terms of relevance to today's research agendas. Smith, G.P., and D. Wenger. hr.color { Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. By accepting, you agree to the updated privacy policy. Jim Schwab, AICP, Jennifer Burmester Click here to review the details. Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. All must be used together. The United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) is part of the international emergency response system for disaster response. An article that summarizes the key planning challenges during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The NDRF identifies six Recovery Support Functions (RSF) as the coordinating structure for key areas of recovery assistance. 2003 batch tamilnadu cadre ias officer incharge of, Disaster Management - . 2014. Membership for Allied Professionals & Citizens, Education, Work, and Experience Verification, Green Infrastructure and Post-Disaster Recovery, http://academiccommons.columbia.edu/item/ac:166312, www.floods.org/ace-files/documentlibrary/Hot_Topics/HurricaneSandyRecovery_ASFPM_Actions_12-13-12.pdf, http://clkrep.lacity.org/onlinedocs/1985/85-1576_ORD_161202_04-30-1986.pdf, www.grandforksgov.com/home/showdocument?id=528, www.nrel.gov/buildings/news/2012/1831.html, www.ciras.iastate.edu/publications/CIRASDisasterChecklist2012.pdf, www.apriso.com/blog/2014/06/7-ways-manufacturers-can-improve-responsiveness-to-a-natural-disaster/, www.nado.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/pdisasterrpt.pdf, http://hbr.org/2014/01/from-superstorms-to-factory-fires-managing-unpredictable-supply-chain-disruptions, http://supplychain.mit.edu/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/mit_forum_supply_chain_and_risk_management_report.pdf, www.good.is/posts/getting-it-right-rebuilding-local-economies-after-a-natural-disaster, www.unescap.org/sites/default/files/AWP%20No.%20115.pdf, www.planning.org/policy/guides/pdf/climatechange.pdf, www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/31372?id=7130, www.llis.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/2011_report_0.pdf, www.fema.gov/library/viewRecord.do?id=4941, www.fema.gov/pdf/emergency/disasterhousing/NDHS-core.pdf, www.fema.gov/pdf/plan/prevent/hazus/fema433.pdf, www.learningservices.us/pdf/emergency/nrf/nrp_catastrophicincidentannex.pdf, www.dhs.gov/critical-infrastructure-sectors, www.tbrpc.org/tampabaydisaster/disaster_housing/documents, www.huduser.org/portal/publications/pre_disasterplanning.html, www.resilientcolorado.org/uploads/2/4/4/9/24499788/lyons_housing_recovery_plan, www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?rgn=div5&node=44:, www.planning.org/policy/guides/pdf/hazardmitigation.pdf, http://hazardmitigation.calema.ca.gov/plan/state_multi-hazard_mitigation_plan_shmp, www.planning.org/zoningpractice/open/pdf/oct09.pdf, www.nyc.gov/html/dcp/pdf/sustainable_communities/designing_flood_risk.pdf, www.baltimoresustainability.org/disaster-preparedness-and-planning-project, www.dca.state.fl.us/fdcp/dcp/PDRP/overview.cfm, www.greensburgks.org/residents/recovery-planning/long-term-community-recovery-plan, www.olivehill.ky.gov/NR/rdonlyres/2CB4FB65-428B-4452-B5BB-13EF4FF8928A/0/OliveHillLongTermRecoveryPlan.pdf, http://cdn.americanprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/LowIncomeResilience-2.pdf, http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/bk-2009-1005.ch011, https://digital.library.txstate.edu/bitstream/handle/10877/3365/fulltext.pdf?sequence=1, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1090223, www.nae.edu/Publications/Bridge/TheAftermathofKatrina/ToxicandContaminant, http://assets.opencrs.com/rpts/RL33117_20051018.pdf. Do not sell or share my personal information, 1. This would make it possible to amend the report continuously as required by changes in legislation, regulations, and best practices. He studies five coastal areas in the United States and supplies six "resilience profiles" from other communities and key solutions. Planning Advisory Service Report no. The National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF) enables effective recovery support to disaster-impacted states, tribes, territorial and local jurisdictions. A report based on interviews with key officials and community leaders in Joplin, Missouri, by researchers from Columbia University's National Center for Disaster Preparedness. A pre-disaster recovery plan can strengthen a community's applications for post-disaster funding, as it demonstrates a clear and carefully considered path to recovery. Contd Absence of a national level, state level, and district level directory of experts and inventory of resources. An examination of the rebuilding following Hurrican Sandy in New York and New Jersey. 2012. This article is a basic summary of hazard mitigation and emergency preparedness on inclusive communities. doi:10.1177/0002716205286044. As environmental management and DRR are cyclically interlinked, environmental aspects and tools can be used in pre-disaster and post-disaster situations to identify the causes and risks for disasters (pre-disaster), and in assessing the damage and impacts of disasters on the local environment (post-disaster). Activate your 30 day free trialto unlock unlimited reading. Baltimore Office of Sustainability. Disaster Management Models and Theories 13 2.5.1. Berke. Clear as Mud: Planning for the Redevelopment of New Orleans. This website is for informational purposes only. Olshansky, Robert B., and Laurie A. Johnson. Covering the first 22 months of recovery after Hurricane Katrina, hands-on planners Olshansky and Johnson describe their experiences. Topping, Kenneth C., M. Boswell, H. Hayashi, and W. Siembieda, eds. Steve Castaner, AICP Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. If so, just upload it to PowerShow.com. PRINCIPLES OF DISASTER MANAGEMENT Disaster management is the responsibility of all spheres of government Disaster management should use resources that exist for a day-to-day purpose. Kircher, Charles A., Hope A. Seligson, Jawhar Bouabid, and Guy C. Morrow. Retrieved from www.planning.org/policy/guides/pdf/climatechange.pdf. Retrieved from http://assets.opencrs.com/rpts/RL33117_20051018.pdf. GOI NGO Disaster preparation and Response Committee Members World Vision of India SOS Children's Village India Ramakrishna Mission Plan international OXFAM India Trust Lutheran World Service India Red Cross Catholic Relief Services CASA CARITAS India Voluntary Health association Of India Action Aid Action for Food Production-AFPRO Indo German Social Services Society, Areas of Concern Activating an Early Warning System network and its close monitoring Mechanisms for integrating the scientific, technological and administrative agencies for effective disaster management Terrestrial communication links which collapse in the event of a rapid onset disaster Vulnerability of critical infrastructures (power supply, communication, water supply, transport, etc.) We've updated our privacy policy. Olshansky, Robert B., Laurie A. Johnson, Jedidiah Horne, et al. Emergency Planning and Preparedness in the Hotel Industry 24 2.7. Journal of the American Planning Association 75 (1): 4159. 2013a. Abramson, David M., and Derrin Culp. (n.d.). Their insight from working with community leaders in New Orleans gives a unique approach to the disaster period, and they document their own thoughts and those of the community leaders and policymakers that they interviewed. Disasters, 17(2), 93-109. Sheikh, P.A. Environmental disruption, DISASTER RECOVERY Successful Recovery Preparation Be vigilant in Health teaching Psychological support Referrals to hospital as needed Remain alert for environmental health, Major Disasters in India 1984 Bhopal Gas Tragedy 2001 Gujarat earthquake 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami 2008 Mumbai attacks. Alexandria, Va.: Water Environment Federation. September. Peacock, W.G., H. Kunreuther, W.H. Prevention, Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, Recovery and Reconstruction. Read this study to learn about the challenges, impacts, and planning efforts associated with this natural disaster. Different models were used to calculate evacuation times and shelter demand. Disaster Management is the study of natural or man made disasters and the steps to be taken to overcome the damages. Free access to premium services like Tuneln, Mubi and more. 2009. Controllability can its impact be controlled/ managed/ diverted? Behind the Scenes: Leadership and Decision-making in a Natural Disaster. 2010b. Florida Requirements. The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Public Law 93-288). New York: Routledge Publishing. HUD and DHS took on significant responsibilities in crafting the draft framework early in 2010, and White House review lies ahead. CHARACTERISTIC OF DISASTER Predictability can machines predict when and where it might occur? 483/484, Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction, has served as the major resource to which planners and emergency managers turn for basic principles and policies governing the practice of planning for long-term community recovery after disasters.Thousands of copies have circulated nationwide and around the world. 2011. The report was intended for the public health, first responder, and scientific communities. 2013. She has over 20 years of experience in urban planning, catastrophe risk management, and disaster recovery management, and has consulted on or researched recovery following many major urban disasters including the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, 1994 Northridge earthquake, 1995 Kobe, Japan, earthquake, and 1997 Grand Forks, North Dakota, flood. Brief about NDMALink for Human Geography videos:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listConnect me through Instagram:https://instagram.com/the_pacificc?igConnect me through Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?If you have any doubt or query mention in the comment section0:00 : Introduction1:04 : Disaster Management Definition2:31 : Phases of Disaster Management3:06 : Pre Disaster8:25 : During Disaster12:05 : Post Disaster15:29 : Importance of Disaster Management17:00 : Challenges of Disaster Management19:57 : ConclusionThank You for Watching..Jai Hind 531. The document helps audiences looking to better prepare for disasters and to implement a "Whole Community" disaster recovery process. Do not sell or share my personal information. 2009. Kirstin Kuenzi According to the authors, the size and growth of recovery costs suggest an increasing disparity between covered and uncovered losses. Did municipalities follow these laws? Berke, P., J. Kartez, and D. Wenger. These community vulnerability maps can be integrated into GIS systems for easier access. 2006. "Ten Research Derived Principles of Disaster Planning." Tampa, Florida: Planning and Growth Management Department. Tierney, Kathleen J. Retrieved from www.nehrp.gov/pdf/ravon.pdf. California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (OES) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Efforts to mitigate and adapt to these disasters have highlighted the need for the developmental actions that creates a living environment with reduced disaster risks. 21. 2010. Assessing water contamination and pollution to water sources (wells, rivers, ponds etc.). This paper outlines some of the actions that communities, individuals, businesses, and state and federal officials can take to reduce the suffering, damage, and risks from events like Hurricane Sandy in the future. What are the needs that drove this project forward? Lindell, Michael K., Zhenghong Tang, Carla S. Prater, et al. Disaster Management - . Facing Hazards and Disasters: Understanding Human Dimensions. Disaster Risk Management includes sum total of all activities, programmes and measures which can be taken up before, during and after a disaster. He has been the recipient of many honors from organizations of his peers and from the cities he has served. Birch, Eugenie L., and Susan M. Wachter, eds. 1980. Broadly, there are six phases in Disaster Management Cycle viz. Joseph MacDonald, AICP Managing for Long-Term Community Recovery in the Aftermath of Disaster. National Preparedness Goal. 2011. DISASTER MANAGEMENT - . Journal of Emergency Management is a professional peer-review journal that deals with all aspects of emergency management, disaster recovery, risk management, business continuity. Resilient Colorado, College of Architecture and Planning, University of Colorado at Denver. Beatley states that the primary planning principle for new developments should be resilience. "Recovery and Reconstruction After Disaster." An article raising questions and potential amendments for the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988. New York: National Center for Disaster Preparedness, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University. In N.A. 2001. 2.4. 205 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1200 2010. 483/484, Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction, has served as the major resource to which planners and emergency managers turn for basic principles and policies governing the practice of planning for long-term community recovery after disasters. The book takes a broad look at improving national disaster resilience, including goals, baseline conditions, and performance metrics. Olshansky, Robert B., and Stephanie E. Chang. A guide intended to aid effective recovery, especially from large-scale or catastrophic disasters, by defining core recovery principles, roles and responsibilities of recovery coordinators, and more. The authors examine the factors leading to successful community recovery from a natural disaster. The intended audience is both local officials and leaders as it bridges the gap between government's emergency response and long-term community recovery necessary after a disaster. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 46(5). Grand Forks implemented a $400 million flood protection project and has seen its population restabilize at pre-flood levels. Based on two Disaster Research Center surveys on disaster-related business impacts, this report looks at physical damage, lifeline service interruption, business closure and relocation, insurance use, Small Business Administration loans, and other topics. These include depending upon the disaster, protection of vulnerable population and structure. Thousands of copies have circulated nationwide and around the world. Ph.D. dissertation, 2009, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. Duration of impact how long does it last? Lisa works with critical infrastructure clients, providing strategic, innovative solutions to maximize pre- and post-disaster funding. Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. You are free to share and adapt this piece of work for your own purposes, as long as it is appropriately cited. A well known example of an MEA is the Paris Agreement on climate change. Van Zandt, Shannon, Walter Gillis Peacock, Dustin W. Henry, Himanshu Grover, Wesley E. Highfield, and Samuel D. Brody. Erin Miles "The impacts of natural disasters on global supply chains." Schwab, James. Federal Emergency Management Agency. Hazard Mitigation: Integrating Best Practices into Planning. Waterbury (Vermont), City of. only 127 people lost their lives. Avoiding disaster through pre-event planning, The cost in making readiness operational (in terms of dollars), Pre-event planning with without a past disaster as an impetus, Examine organizational structures (centralized and decentralized), Willingness to look again (openness to change). Berkeley: University of California Press. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press. A disaster can be defined as an occurrence either nature or manmade that causes human suffering and creates human needs that victims cannot alleviate without assistance. As a result, Florida is currently undertaking a very important public policy experiment with regard to natural hazards, which could provide significant baseline information on best practices and formulas for success. Retrieved from www.baltimoresustainability.org/disaster-preparedness-and-planning-project. Journal of Disaster Research 2 (6): 465474. FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security have adopted a new National Response Framework to replace the Federal Response Plan that was operative when the original report was produced. prof. kishor b shikahre civil engineering department aurangabad college of engineering, DISASTER MANAGEMENT - . Journal of the American Planning Association 74(3): 273-287. disaster management. ________. The researchers evaluate the Kobe City Recovery Plan, a response to the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. One of those is clearly central to the relevance of the entire document: Emergency Support Function 14 provides long-term recovery planning as part of the Disaster Field Office's response to presidential declared disasters. We have much to learn, much to share. emergency support functions (esf) & standard operation procedure (sop) kashif imdad, DISASTER MANAGEMENT - . Klein, Naomi. Contd. The following topics have been covered in this video lecture:1. The author states that assistance comes in three forms: financial, policy-based, and technical. 2006. Dordrecht, N.Y.: Springer. It provides a flexible structure that enables disaster recovery managers to operate in a unified and collaborative manner. 2014. The course produced a public engagement plan, based on national best practices, describing the process for post-disaster housing development in Lyons. The immediate goal of the recovery phase is to bring the affected area back to some degree of normalcy. "The Primacy of Partnership: Scoping a New National Disaster Recovery Policy." Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research, 9(3), 53-68. PHASES OF DISASTER. Unified New Orleans Plan (UNOP). Grand Forks (North Dakota), City of. The National Disaster Recovery Framework defines: Eight principles that guide recovery core capability development and recovery support activities. 2006. ART AND CULTURE WEEK SECOND GRADE A&B(1).pptx, YES_O_CALENDAR_OF_ANNUAL_PROPOSED_ACTIVI.docx, No public clipboards found for this slide, Enjoy access to millions of presentations, documents, ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more. Number of Views:34801. "Buildout Analysis: A Valuable Planning and Hazard Mitigation Tool." This study examines parks that have been or are being developed on disaster sites, and looks at obstacles such as stakeholder conflicts, financial issues, and technical concerns. More info: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/. They found that such assessments can assist in mitigation planning and community resilience. Post-disaster recovery and reconstruction need to incorporate an awareness of the use of these new tools. Planning for Wildfires. Hooke, S.L.Cutter, S.E. Ross, Tracey. Building on the principles and concepts outlined in the NRDF, Effective Coordination of Recovery Resources for State, Tribal, Territorial and Local Incidents is designed to be applied after an incident, either in concert with existing pre-incident recovery plans or to enhance post-incident planning efforts. In spite of these problems, tragedies like this could be halted if governments created comprehensive plans focusing on mitigation before emergency. This article studies the 1985 Florida mandate that forced communities to create policies for two types of hurricane zones: coastal high hazard areas and hurricane vulnerability zones. A book focusing on four aspects of redevelopment: making cities less vulnerable to disaster, improving economic viability, helping the displaced over the long term, and recreating a sense of place. Read this case study to learn about the variety of mitigation and recovery strategies employed by the city to make the community more resilient. Washington, D.C.: The White House. 8% land is vulnerable to cyclones. Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. All four Phases disaster management: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery All Impacts or predictable consequences on infrastructure, human services, and the economy need to be analyzed, addressed in developing plans and protocols "All Stakeholders" -- Effective disaster management A Paradise Built in Hell: The Extraordinary Communities that Arise in Disaster. A guide that considers the intersection of adaptation, response, and recovery in the context of hazard mitigation. Rehabilitation phase Water supply Food safety Basic sanitation and personal hygiene Vector control - is any method to limit or eradicate the mammals, birds, insects or other arthropods (here collectively called "vectors") which transmit disease pathogens. 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